Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day !!!!!

This is the first time I am on the other side of the wall when it comes to Father's day. Father's day we all wish and let our fathers know that how much we all love and care for them, look fwd to them as our idol ... But what is takes to be a father i am still trying to learn.
Science have proved as well that the experience of becoming a father allows men to develop their more nurturing characteristics at work, and they often become more organized at home. Having a new baby causes fathers to become more adaptable and interested in the lives of their co-workers.

Basically a new life changes your life upside down for Good.
Have my life changes I am still exploring .. How about you guys...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Mining WebLogic Diagnostic Data with XSLT by Philip Aston -- In this tutorial, Philip Aston applies some XSLT and Jython magic to WebLogic Diagnostic Framework output to produce powerful diagnostic report of your server's behavior.